167. “Vart tog framtiden vägen och kan den återskapas?” in Bjørn Arne Steine, Nik Brandal, Morten Nordhagen (red), Fra Barks til Quisling. Festskrift til Øystein Sørensen. Oslo: Dreyers forlag 2024:269-290.
166. “Om den nordiska fattigdomens betydelse” in: Jan Eivind Myhre (red), Myten om det fattige Norge. En misforståelse og dens historie. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press 2021: 332-362.
165. “Global Humanities: Pursuing New Discourses and New Institutions for Life on Earth” in Knowledge Cultures 9(1), 2021 pp. 35–55. Co-authored with John Noyes.
164. “Provincializing for a Planetary Perspective” in Práticas da História No 11 2020.
163. “Mot världen” i Ann-Katrin Hatje och Gunnar Artéus (red), Forskarliv. Självporträtt av samtida svenska historiker. Stockholm: Carlssons 2020.
162. “Economic Theory as Morality: Europe’s and the World’s North and South” in Stefan Nygård (ed), The Politics of Debt and Europe’s Relations with the ‘South’. Edinburgh: Edinburg U P 2020.
161. “Scandinavia Within and Without Europe” in Johann P Arnason (ed), European Integration. Historical Trajectories, Geopolitical Contexts. Edinburgh: Edinburgh U P 2019.
160. “Vägen till Europa från norr och från söder” in: Erik Bohlin and Linda K Hammarfelt (red), Vägen till Medelhavet. Berättandet om Medelhavet som färdväg och tröskel. Göteborg: Centrum för Europaforskning 2019: 85-102.
159. “A Genealogy of Crisis: Europe’s Legal Legacy and Ordoliberalism” in Kaius Tuori and Heta Björklund eds), Roman Law and the Idea of Europe. London: Bloomsbury 2019.
158. Ludvig Almqvist: ett politiskt porträtt. Stockholm: Almqvistska släktföreningen 2018.
157. “Ripensare la transizione come categoria storiografica. Uno squardo interdisciplinare” in Richerche di Storia Politica Nr 2 2018.
156. “The Social Question and the Concepts of Progress and Freedom” in Social Imaginaries Vol 4 Iss 1 Spring 2018.
155. “Europäische und globale Moderne.” Together with Peter Wagner in: Maurizio Bach and Barbara Hönig, Europasoziologie. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium. Baden-BadenNomos 2018: 32-43.
154. “Bruxelles ou la sortie de l’Histoire” in Europa, notre histoire. Paris: Les Arènes 2018: 455-467
153. “Scandinavia/Norden” in Diana Mishkova and Balázs Trencsényi (eds), European Regions and Boundaries. A Conceptual History. New York and Oxford: Berghahn 2017: 36-56. Co-authored with Marja Jalava.
152. “Identity and social solidarity: an ignored connection. A historical perspective on the state of Europe and its nations” in Nations and Nationalism Vol 23, Issue 2 April 2017: 227-247
151. “Ujamaa. The Evasive Translation of an Elusive Concept” in Axel Fleisch and Rhiannon Stephens (eds), Doing Conceptual History in Africa. New York and Oxford: Berghahn 2016: 185-212
150. “The Cultural Construction of Norden” in Gerhard Wegner (ed), The Legitimacy of the Welfare State. Religion, Gender, Neoliberalism. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2015: 86-101
149. “The Nineteenth Century Revisited: Towards a New Narrative on Europe’s Past” in Historická sociologie (Prague) Nr 2 2015.
148. “The Conquest of the North” in Pietro Rossi (ed), The Boundaries of Europe. From the Fall of the Ancient World to the Age of Decolonisation. Berlin: DeGruyter 2015: 95-109.146. “The Faces of Modernity: Crisis, Kairos, Chronos − Koselleck versus Hegel” in Dipesh Chakrabarty, Sanjay Subrahmanyam, Henning Trüper (eds), Historical teleologies in the Modern World. London: Bloomsbury 2015.
147. “Perpetual Peace as Irony, Utopia, and Politics” in Thomas Hippler and Miloš Vec (eds), Paradoxes of Peace in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Oxford: Oxford U P 2015.
146. “Den ofullkomliga integrationen” in Marie-Louise Hindsberg et al (eds), Integrationens skiftande mönster. Handbok i EU-studier. Lund: Studentlitteratur 2014: 23-43.
145. “Creating Community, Ordering the World and Struggling for Securing Welfare, an Introduction”, (together with Martti Koskenniemi) in Martti Koskenniemi and Bo Stråth (eds), Creating Community and Ordering the World: The European Shadow of the Past and Future of the Present, University of Helsinki 2014, pp 1-14
144. “Vienna 1815 in Perspective: Three Utopias of Peace and the European Search for a Political Economy” in Martti Koskenniemi and Bo Stråth (eds), Creating Community and Ordering the World: The European Shadow of the Past and Future of the Present, University of Helsinki 2014, pp 163-185.
143. “Regimes of Historicity and Discourses of Modernity: The Conceptualization of Past and Future in Swedish Social Sciences since the 1870s” in Diana Mishkova, Balázs Trencsényi and Marja Jalava (eds), ‘Regimes of Historicity’ in Southeastern and Northern Europe, 1890-1945. Discourses of Identity and Temporality. London: Palgrave 2014: 233-253.
142. “The Cosmopolitical and the National. An Uneasy Relationship” in Mónica García-Salmones and Pamela Slotte (eds), Cosmopolitanisms in Enlightenment Europe and Beyond. Brussels: PIE Peter Lang 2013 pp 201-211.
141. “Cleaning up after European identity: the consequences of a failed political strategy” in Richard McMahon (ed), Post-identity? Culture and European Integration. London: Routledge 2013
140. “Geschichtspolitik und Gründungsmythen in den nordischen Ländern. 1989 Im Rückblick” in Etienne Françoise et al (Hg), Geschichtspolitik in Europa seit 1989. Göttingen: Wallstein 2013.
139. “Ideology and Conceptual History” in Michael Freeden (ed), The Oxford Handbook of Political Ideologies. Oxford: Oxford U P 2013.
138. “Regional History as a ‘Challenge’ to National Frameworks of Historiography: the Case of Central, Southeast and Northern Europe.” (with Diana Mishkova and Balázs Trencsényi) in Matthias Middell and Lluis Roura (eds), Transnational Challenges to National History Writing. London: Palgrave 2013 pp 257-314.
137. “The Idea of a European Identity as an Escape Forward: A Historical Perspective on the Present Euro Crisis” in The Review of International Affairs (Belgrade) Vol LXIII No 1145 Jan-Mar 2012:80-96. Also in Branislav Radelić (ed), Debating European Identity. Bright Ideas, Dim Prospects. Oxford: Peter Lang 2014.
136. “The Liberal Dilemma: The Economic and the Social, and the Need for a European Contextualization of a Concept with Universal Pretensions” in: Ben Jackson and Marc Stears (eds), Liberalism as Ideology. Essays in Honour of Michael Freeden. Oxford: Oxford U P 2012.
135. “Geschichtspolitik und Gründungsmythen in den nordischen Ländern: 1989 im Rückblick” in Etienne Francois, Kornelia Konczal, Robert Traba and Stefan Troebst (Hg) Geschichtspolitik in Europa seit 1989. Deutschland, Frankreich und Polen im internationalen Vergleich.Göttingen: Wallstein 2012.
134. “World History and Cosmopolitanism” in Gerard Delanty (ed), Routledge Handbook of Cosmopolitanism Studies. London: Routledge 2012.
133. “Die enttäuschte Hoffnung auf das soziale Europa” in Arnd Bauerkämper und Hartmut Kaelble (Hg), Gesellschaft in der europäischen Integration seit den 1950er Jahren. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2012.
132. “Nordic Modernity: Origins, Trajectories, Perspectives” in Jóhann Páll Árnason and Björn Wittrock (eds), Nordic Paths to Modernity. Oxford: Berghahn 2012.
131. “Europäische und Globalgeschichte. Probleme und Perspektiven” in Agnes Arndt, Joachim C. Häberlen, Christiane Reinecke (Hg), Vergleichen, Verflechten, Verwirren? Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2011.
130. “Nordic Foundation Myths after 1945. A European Context” in Henrik Stenius, Mirja Österberg & Johan Östling (eds.), Nordic Narratives of the Second World War. National Historiographies Revisited. Lund: Nordic Academic Press 2011
129. “Still the Europe of Milward? On the Need for a New Long-Term Historical Understanding of Today’s Europe.” Working Paper for the European Institute, UCL, No 1 2011.
128. “Demokratin och kapitalismen: en nutidsbedömning från backspegelns långa linjer. Och framtiden?” Lecture at the conference Om historiens långa linjer. Efter nyliberalismen. ABF, Stockholm 4 mars 2011. URL:www.abfstockholm.se
127. “Comparative Conceptual History and Global Translations: An Outline of a Research Agenda” in R De Cila, H Gruber, M Krzyźanowski, F Menz (eds), Diskurs, Politik, Identität – Discourse, Politics, Identity. Festschrift für Ruth Wodak. Tübingen Stauffenberg Verlag 2010.
126. “Soft and Strong Public Spheres’ (together with Hagen Schulz-Forberg) in Robert Frank, Hartmut Kaelble, Marie-Françoise Lévy & Luisa Passerini (eds), Building a European Public Sphere. From the 1950s to the Present. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang 2010.
125. “Introduction: A European Memory?” Together with Małgorzata Pakier in Małgorzata Pakier and Bo Stråth (eds), A European Memory? Contested Histories and Politics of Remembrance. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2010.
124. “‘Norden’ as European Region: Demarcation and Belonging” in Johann Arnason and Natalie Doyle (eds), Domains and Divisions of European history. Liverpool: Liverpool U P 2010.
123. “The Nordic Countries and European Integration” in: Revue d’Histoire Nordique Nr 8 2009.
122. “The Social Democrats in Power. Social Rights and the Social State in the Democratic Countries in the Interwar Years: the Case of Sweden” in Alice Kessler and Maurizio Vaudagna (eds), Democracy and Social Rights in the Two Wests. Torino: Electronic publishing house Otto. Series Nova Americana 2009.
121. “Humanism and the Social: An Unclarified Relationship” in Jörn Rüsen and Henner
Laass (eds), Humanism in Intercultural Perspective. Experiences and Expectations. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers 2009.
120. “Curt Weibull. Källkritisk vägröjare med syntetisk ambition” in: Ragnar Björk and Alf W Johansson (eds), Svenska historiker. Från medeltid till våra dagar. Stockholm: Norstedts 2009.
119. “Erik Gustaf Geijer. Mångfacetterad historiker, poet och samhällsdebattör” in: Ragnar Björk and Alf W Johansson (eds), Svenska historiker. Från medeltid till våra dagar. Stockholm: Norstedts 2009.
118. “Europe ─ Discourse ─ Politics ─ Media ─ History: Constructing ‘Crises’?” Together with Ruth Wodak in Anna Triandafyllidou, Ruth Wodak, and Michal Krzyzanowski (eds), The European Public Sphere and the Media Europe in Crisis. London: Palgrave 2009.
117. “A Memory or a History of Europe’s Expelled Peoples?” in Barbara Törnquist- Plewa and Bo Petersson (eds), Remembering Europe’s Expelled peoples of the Twentieth Century. CFE Conference Papers Nr 4. Lund: Centrum för Europaforskning 2009, pp 15-24.
116. “Path Dependence versus Pathbreaking crises: an Alternative View” in Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson (eds), The Evolution of Path Dependence. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Edgar 2009.
115. “Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other” in Jörg Baberowski, Hartmut Kaelble & Jürgen Schriewer (Hg), Selbstbilder und Fremdbilder. Repräsentation sozialer Ordnungen im Wandel. Frankfurt am Main: Campus 2008.
114. “Die politische Ambivalenz des Sozialen” in: Christian Joerges, Matthias Mahlemann & Ulrich K Preuss (Hg), “Schmerzliche Erfahrungen der Vergangenheit” und der Prozess der Konstitutionalisierung Europas. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2008.
113. “Belonging and European Identity” in Gerard Delanty, Paul Jones, and Ruth Wodak (eds), Identity, Belonging, and Migration. Liverpool: Liverpool U P 2008
112.”Introduction” (together with Patricia Chiantera-Stutte) in: European Journal of Social Theory 11 (2) 2008.
111. “Mitteleuropa. From List to Naumann” in European Journal of Social Theory 11 (2) 2008 pp 171-183.
110. “Constructivist Themes in the Historiography of the Nation” in James A
Holstein and Jaber F Gubrium (eds), Handbook for Constructivist Research.
New York: Guilford Press 2008.
109. “Unsichtbare Öffentlichkeit?” in: Kulturreport Fortschritt Europa.
Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen 2007 (also in English, French and
108. “Histoire, remémoration publique et assomption du passé” in: Bronisław
Geremek et Robert Picht (eds), Vision d’Europe. Paris: Odile Jacob 2007.
107. “Introduction” (together with Lars Magnusson) in Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds), European Solidarities. Tensions and Contentions of a Concept. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang 2007.
106.”Historiography, Social Sciences and the Master Narratives” in Edward Wang and Franz L Fillafer (eds), The Many Faces of Clio. Cross-cultural Approaches to Historiography. Essays in Honor of Georg G Iggers. Oxford: Berghahn Books 2007.
105. “Social Models? A Critical View on a Concept from a Historical and European Perspective” in: European Review Vol 15 Nr 3 2007 pp 335-352.
104. “Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other” in China Public Administration Review May 2007 (in Chinese).
103. “The Political, the Social and the Economic in a European Political Order” in Hans-Åke Persson and Bo Stråth (eds), Reflections on Europe. Defining a Political Order in Time and Space. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang 2007.
102. “Ideology and History” in Michael Freeden (ed), The Meaning of Ideology. London: Routledge 2007.
101. “Time and Space. Introduction to Reflections on Europe as a Political Order” (together with hans-Åke Persson) in: Hans-Åke Persson and Bo Stråth (eds), Reflections on Europe. Defining a Political Order in Time and Space. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang 2007.
100. “Der Volksbegriff in der Organisation der Religionsausübung Schwedens” in: Lucian Hölscher (Hg), Baupläne der sichtbaren Kirche. Sprachliche Konzepte religiöser Vergemeinschaftung in Europa. Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag 2007.
99. “Le modèle nordique. La construction d’un modèle nordique: pressions externes et compromis interne” in: Revue Internationale de Politique Comparèe Vol 13Nr 3 2006.
98. “A Critical Question about the Prospects of European Integration from a Historical Perspective” in: Frank R. Pfetsch (ed), Germany Re-united and the European Union: The Role of Germany in European Integration. Jerusalem: European Forum at the Hebrew University, Helmut Kohl Institute for European Studies and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung 2006.
97. “Future of Europe” in: Journal of Language and Politics Vol 5:3 2006.
96. “Europe: What Values and how Common?” in: Josef Kružik (ed.), Vita Activa Vita Contemplativa. Janu Sokolovi k Sedmdesátým narozeninám. Prague: UK FHS 2006.
95. “Framstegstanken som utopi eller som empirisk pragmatism?” in: Fredrik Engelstad, Even Lange, Helge Pharo of Erik Rudeng (red), Demokratisk konservatisme. Frihet, Fremskritt, Fred. Festskrift til Francis Sejersted på 70-årsdagen. Oslo: Pax 2006.
94. “Ideology and History” in: Journal of Political Ideologies Nr 1, 2006 (Routledge, London).
93. “Insiders and Outsiders: Borders in Nineteenth-Century Europe” in Stefan Berger (ed), A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Europe. Oxford: Blackwell 2006.
92. “Historia som teleologi? Ett annat perspektiv på unionen Sverige-Norge” in: Sosiologi idag (Oslo) Nr 3 2005.
91. “De Förenade rikena Sverige och Norge 1814-1905: En eller två kulturer?” in: RIG Nr 2 2005.
90. “Models of the Welfare State Formation in the Global Context.” Convenor’s introduction. Proceedings of the World History Congress in Sydney, 3-9 July, 2005. Specialised Theme Session 21. CD publication.
89. “The Monetary Issue and European Economic Policy in Historical Perspective” in: Christian Joerges; Bo Stråth and Peter Wagner (eds), The Economy as a Polity. London: Cavendish Press 2005.
88. “The Idea of a Scandinavian Nation” in Lars-Folke Landgrén and Pirkko Hautamäki (eds), People, Citizen, Nation. Festschrift for Henrik Stenius. Helsinki: Renvall Institute 2005.
87. “Karten — Repräsentationen Europas aus vier Jahrhunderten” in: Rüdiger Hohls, Iris Schröder, Hannes Siegrist (Hg), Europa und die Europäer. Quellen und Essays zur modernen europäischen Geschichte. Festschrift für Hartmut Kaelble zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin: Steiner Verlag 2005.
86. “Europa: welche Werte und welche Geschichte?” in: Jürgen John, Dirk van Laak, Joachim von Puttkammer (Hg), Zeit-GHeschichten. Miniaturen in Lutz Niethammers Manier. Essen: Klartext 2005.
85. “Methodological and Substantive Remarks on Myth, Memory and History in the Construction of a European Community” in: Special Issue of German Law Journal Febr 2005 ed. by Christian Joerges.
84. “The Normative Foundations of the Scandinavian Welfare States in Historical Perspective” in: Nanna Kildaland Stein Kuhnle (eds), Normative Foundations of the Welfare State: The Nordic Experience. London: Routledge 2005.
83. “Nordic Modernity: Origins, Trajectory and Prospects” in Thesis Eleven Nr 77, 2004.
82. “Towards a European Democracy” in: Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Monika Mokre, Michael Latzer (eds), Transformations of Statehood from a European Perspective. Frankfurt/Main: Campus 2004.
81. “A European Social Citizenship? Preconditions for Future Policies from a Historical Perspective” (together with Lars Magnusson) in: Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds), A European Social Citizenship? Preconditions for Future Policies from a Historical Perspective. Brussels: PIE-Peter Lang 2004.
80. “Integration von links. Historische Bedingungen der ‘Volksgeschichte’ in Schweden” in: Manfred Hettling (Hg), Volksgeschichten im Europa der Zwischenkriegszeit, Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 2003.
79. “The State and its Critics: Is there a Post-Modern Challenge?”, in: Quentin Skinner and Bo Stråth, States and Citizens, Cambridge UP, Cambridge 2003.
78. “Introduction” (with Quentin Skinner) in: Quentin Skinner and Bo Stråth, States and Citizens, Cambridge UP, Cambridge 2003.
77. “Hembygd as a Pragmatic Concept: The Alternative Case” in Ron Robin and Bo Stråth, Homelands, PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2003.
76. “Introduction. Poetics of Space and Place” (together with Ron Robin) in: Ron Robin and Bo Stråth, Homelands, PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2003.
75. “Contextualising immigration policy implementation in Europe” (with Bill Jordan and Anna Triandafyllidou), Special Issue, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29, 2, March 2003.
74. “Comparing Cultures of Discretion” (with Bill Jordan and Anna Triandafyllidou), Special Issue, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29, 2, March 2003.
73. “Till minnet av Mikael af Malmborg. Europabilden genom tiderna” in: Internationella Studier Nr 2, Utrikespolitiska Studier, Utrikespolitiska Institutet, Stockholm , 2002.
72. “Europäische Integration. Grundlinien und Interpretationen” (together with Thomas Sandkühler) in: Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus Vol 18 2002.
71. “A European Identity: to the Historical Limits of a Concept” in: European Journal of Social Theory No 5 (4) November 2002 (special issue edited by Gerard Delanty).
70. “Images of Europe in the World” 2002.
69. “1968-2001: Measuring the Distance. Continuities and Discontinuities in Recent History”. With Paul Ginsborg, Luisa Passerini and Peter Wagner in Thesis Eleven Nr 68, 2001.
68. “1968: From Co-determination to Co-workers. The Power of Language” in Thesis Eleven Nr 68, 2001.
67. ” Det svenske biletet av Europa som det Andre” in: Stein Ivar Angell (ed), Den europeiske identiteten og den skandinaviske. Volda: Høskolen i Volda 2001.
66. “Community/Society: History of the Concept” in N. J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioural Sciences, Pergamon, Oxford 2001.
65. “Nordic Capitalism and Democratisation” in Haldor Byrkjeflot et al. (eds), The democratic Challenge to Capitalism. Management and Democracy in the Nordic Countries. Oslo: Fagbokforlaget 2001.
64. “Europe: a View from Within and the Outside” (Together with Karma Nabulsi) in: Hans-Åke Persson (ed.), Ett utvidgat EU, några reflektioner i samband met EU:s östutvidgning, Häften för Europastudier 3, Studentlitteratur, Lund 2001.
63. “Neutralitet som självförståelse” in Kurt Almqvist and Kay Glans (eds), Den svenska framgångssagan?, Fischer & Co, Stockholm 2001. (English version “Neutrality as self-awareness” in Kurt Almqvist and Kay Glans (eds), The Swedish Success Story?, Axel och Margaret Ax: Son Johnson Foundation, Stockholm 2004).
62. “Postscript” (together with Lars Magnusson) in: Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds), From the Werner Plan to the EMU, In Search of a Political Economy for Europe, PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2001.
61. “Money and Political Economy: From the Werner Plan to the Delors Report and Beyond” (together with J Peter Burgess) in Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds), From the Werner Plan to the EMU, In Search of a Political Economy for Europe, PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2001.
60. “Introduction. From the Werner Plan to the EMU: In Search of a European Political Economy. Historical Perspectives and Future Prospects” (together with Lars Magnusson) in: Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth (eds), From the Werner Plan to the EMU, In Search of a Political Economy for Europe, PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2001.
59. “Sozialistische Strömungen in Europa seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Das Beispiel Skandinavien” in: Dieter Dowe (Hrsg), Demokratischer Sozialismus in Europa seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Reihe Gesprächskreis Geschichte Heft 38, Bonn 2001.
58. “Östersjön som vision och illusion” in: Paul Raudsepp (red), Mare nostrum — Mare Balticum. Commentationes in honorem Professoris Matti Klinge. Raud Publishing, Helsinki 2000.
57. “Continuity Rather than Revolution”, in Security Dialogue, vol. 31, nr. 2, December 2000, 6 pp.
56. “L’Image suédoise de l’Europe comme l’Autre” in: Arquivos Do Centro Cultural Calouste Gulbenkian, vol. 40, Centre Culturel Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa-Paris 2000.
55. “The Contours of a European Political Economy: From the Werner Plan to the EMU” in Bo Stråth (ed.), After Full Employment. European Discourses on Work and Flexibility, PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000. Abstract
54. “The Concept of Work in the Construction of Community” in Bo Stråth (ed.), After Full Employment. European Discourses on Work and Flexibility. PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000. Abstract
53. “Introduction, After Full Employment and the Breakdown of Conventions of Social Responsibility” in Bo Stråth (ed.), After Full Employment. European Discourses on Work and Flexibility. PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000. Abstract
52. “Introduction, Enlightenment and Genocide, Contradictions of Modernity” with James Kaye in James Kaye, Bo Stråth (eds.), Enlightenment and Genocide, Contradictions of Modernity, Philosophy and Politics No. 5. P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000. Abstract
51. “Die Große und stille Kehrtwendung: Die Schwedische Integrationspolitik 1985-1994” in: Michael Gehler, Rolf Steininger (Hrsg.), Die Neutralen und die europäische Integration 1945-1995, Bölau Verlag, Wien, Koln, Weimar, 2000, pp. 337-354.
50. “Poverty, Neutrality and Welfare: Three Key Concepts in the Modern Foundation Myth of Sweden” in Bo Stråth (ed.), Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community, Historical Patterns in Europe and Beyond, Multiple Europes No. 9. P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000, pp. 375-401. Abstract
49. “The Baltic as an Image and Illusion: The Construction of a Region between Europe and the Nation” in: Bo Stråth (ed.), Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community, Historical Patterns in Europe and Beyond, Multiple Europes No. 9. P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000, pp. 199-214. Abstract
48. “Introduction: Myth, Memory and History in the Construction of Community” in Bo Stråth (ed.), Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community, Historical Patterns in Europe and Beyond, Multiple Europes No. 9, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000, pp. 19-46. Abstract
47. “Multiple Europes: Integration, Identity and Demarcation to the Other” in Bo Stråth (ed.), Europe and the Other, Europe as the Other, Multiple Europes No. 10,.P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000, pp.385-420. Abstract
46. “The Swedish Image of Europe as the Other” in Bo Stråth (ed.), Europe and the Other, Europe as the Other, Multiple Europes No. 10, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000, pp. 359-383. Abstract
45. “Introduction: Europe as a Discourse” in Bo Stråth (ed.), Europe and the Other, Europe as the Other, Multiple Europes No. 10, P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000, pp. 13-44. Abstract
44. “Nationalism and Modernity – an Outdated Relationship?”, (together with Johannes U. Müller) in: Johannes U. Müller and Bo Stråth, Nationalism and Modernity, EUI Working Papers HEC No. 99/1, Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico 1999, pp. 7-21.
43. “Introduction”, (together with Nina Witoszeck) in: Bo Stråth and Nina Witoschek (eds), The Postmodern Challenge: Perspectives East and West, Postmodern Studies 27, Rodopi, Amsterdam 1999, pp. 9-23. Abstract
42. “Geschichte von vorne: Für eine pluralistische und vergleichende Kultur- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte”, in: Bernd Henningsen and Stephan Michael Schröder (eds), Vom Ende der Humboldt-Kosmen. Konturen von Kulturwissenschaft. Nomos, Baden-Baden 1997.
41. “Historiens nya ängel och det föränderliga förflutna’ in: Lars M Andersson and Ulf Zander (red), In med historien. Fem historiker om korta och långa perspektiv I samtidshistorien. Lagerbringbiblioteket. Skriftserie utgiven av historiska institutionen vid Lunds universitet och Historiska Media. Historiska Media, Lund 1997.
40. “Sweden: The Emergence and Erosion of a ‘Model'” in Patrick Pasture, Johan Verberckmoes and Hans de Witte (eds), The Lost Perspective? Trade Unions between Ideology and Social Action in the New Europe. Vol 1 Ideological Persistence in National Traditions. Aldershot: Avebury 1996.
39. “Östersjön som vision och illusion’ in: Mare nostrum – mare Balticum. Commentationes in honorem professoris Matti Klinge viri doctrini preclari. AB Raud Publishing Ltd, Helsinki 1996.
38. “Die kulturelle Konstruktion von Gemeinschaften und die Transformation von Gesellschaften”, in: Wolfgang Kaschuba, Thomas Scholze and Leonore Scholze-Irrlitz (Hg), Alltagskultur im Umbruch. Böhlau Verlag, Weimar, Köln, Wien 1996.
37. “Staten I historisk belysning”, in Riksrevisionsverket (utg), Det offentliga åtagandet. RRV, Stockholm 1996.
36. Hannes Siegrist and Bo Stråth, “Wohnungsbau als Problem gesellschaftlicher Steuerung. BRD, DDR und Schweden in vergleichender Perspektive” in: Hannes Siegrist and Bo Stråth (Hg), … 1 b)
35. “The Postmodern Challenge and a Modernised Social History”, in Ragnar Björk and Karl Molin (eds), Societies Made up of History. Akademitryck, Stockholm 1996.
34. Bernd Henningsen och Bo Stråth, “Die Transformation des schwedischen Wohlfahrtsstaates. Ende des ‘Modells’?”, in: Jahrbuch für Politik Nr 2 1995.
33. “Scandinavian Identity: a Mythical Reality”, in: Nils A. Sörensen (ed), European Identities: Cultural Diversity and Integration since 1700. Odense University Press 1995.
32. “Nordiska Rådet och nordiskt samarbete’ in: Den jyske historiker No 69-70 1994.
31. “Industriborgerskapets roll i den svenska samhällsomvandlingen” in: Knut Kjeldstadli, Sissel Myklebust and Lars Thue (eds), Formingen av industrisamfunnet i Norden fram til 1920. TMV Skriftserie Nr 5 1994, Oslo University 1994.
30. “Restructuring at the industry level: Resolving the shipbuilding crisis in Germany and Sweden” (together with Hainer Heseler) in: Werner Sengenberger and Duncan Campbell (eds), Creating Economic Opportunities. The Role of Labour Standards in Industrial Restructuring. International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva 1994.
29. “The Swedish Path to National Identity in the Nineteenth Century’ in Øystein Sørensen (ed), Nordic Paths to National Identity in the Nineteenth Century. Nasjonal identitet (Oslo University) No 1/94.
28. “Modes of Governance in the Shipbuilding in West Germany, Sweden and Japan” in Rogers Hollingsworth, Philippe Schmitter and Wolfgang Streeck (eds), Comparing Capitalist Economies: Variations in the Governance of Industrial Sectors. Oxford UP 1994.
27. “Den nordiska modellen. Historisk bakgrund och hur talet om en nordisk modell uppstod”, in: Nordisk Tidskrift No 1 1993.
26. “Structural Change and Cultural Transformation of Industrial Relations: the Case of Shipbuilding in the Gothenburg and Malmö Regions” in Rainer Schulze (ed), Structural Change in Early-Industrialized Regions: A European Comparison. Klartext Verlag, Essen 1993.
25. “Den socialdemokratiska statskyrkopolitiken under 1900-talet” in: Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia 1993.
24. Bo Stråth and Rolf Torstendahl, “State Theory and State Development: States as Network Structures in Change in Modern European History” in Rolf Torstendahl (ed), State History and State Theory. Sage, London 1992.
23. “Der Nachkriegsboom in Schweden: Zur Frage von Kontinuität und Bruch im Gesellschaftswandel” in: Hartmut Kaelble (Hg), Der Boom, 1948-1973. Gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Folgen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in Europa. Westdeutsche Verlag, Opladen 1992.
22. “A Conditional Plea for the Modern Project: Cultural Production of Meaning and Social Change” in Konrad Jarausch, Jörn Rüsen and Hans Schleier (eds), Geschichtswissenschaft vor 2000. Perspektiven der Historiographiegeschichte, Geschichts-theorie, Sozialgeschichte. Margit Rottman Medien Verlag 1991.
21. “Les chantiers navals suédois et leurs ouvriers de 1890 à 1990” in: Mouvement Social No 156 June-September 1991.
20. “Union Strategies in Historical Perspective: Sweden and Germany”. EUI Working Papers in History HEC No 90/5. European University Institute, Florence 1990.
19. “Liberalismen och moderniseringen av Sverige” in: Jörgen Kyle and Thomas Magnusson (red), Liberala perspektiv. Vision och verklighet i historia och politik. Festskrift till Jörgen Weibull sommaren 1990. Bra Böcker, Höganäs 1990.
18. “Einleitung” (together with Wolfgang Jacobeit and Josef Mooser) in: Wolfgang Jacobeit, Josef Mooser, Bo Stråth (eds), Idylle oder Aufbruch? Das Dorf im bürgerlichen 19. Jahrhundert. Ein europäischer Vergleich, Akademie-Verlag, Berlin (DDR) 1990.
17. “Introduction” in: Bo Stråth (ed), Language and the Construction of Class Identities. The Struggle for Discursive Power in Social Organisation: Scandinavia and Germany after 1800, Gothenburg University 1990. Abstract
16. “Democratisation in Scandinavia in Comparison” in Bo Stråth (ed), Democratisation in Scandinavia in Comparison. Gothenburg University 1988. Abstract
15. “Industrial Restructuring in the Swedish Shipbuilding Industry” in Labour and Society Vol. 14 Nr. 2, April 1989. 19 pp. (French version: “La restructuration industrielle dans l’industrie suédoise des constructions navales’ in: Travail et Société Vol. 14 no 2 avril 1989).
14. “Verkstadsklubbarna vid Volvo och Saab: Facklig politik i två företagskulturer” in: Bo Öhngren (ed), Metall 100 år – fem uppsatser. Metall, Stockholm 1988. 25 pp.
13. “Die bürgerliche Gesellschaft Schwedens im 19. Jahrhundert. Soziale Struktur und politischer Wandel” in: Jürgen Kocka (ed), Bürgertum im 19. Jahrhundert. Deutschland im europäischen Vergleich. Vol 1. dtv, Munich 1988. 23 pp.
12. “Die Arbeiterbewegung in Kiel und Bremen. Bedingungen für das Entstehen verschiedener politischer Traditionen” in: Rainer Paetau and Holger Rüdel (eds), Arbeiter und Arbeiterbewegung in Schleswig-Holstein im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1987. 31 pp.
11. “Industrial Policies in Western Europe During the Restructuring of the Shipbuilding Industry” in Anthony Slaven and Fred Walker (eds), The 4th International Shipbuilding & Ocean Engineering Conference. Helsinki, Finland 7th-10th September 1986. Gothenburg 1986. 6 pp.
10. “Redundancy and Solidarity: Tripartite Politics and the Contraction of the West European Shipbuilding Industry” in Cambridge Journal of Economics Vol. 10 No 2 1986. 17 pp.
9. “Socialdemokratisk ideologi mellan utopi och verklighet” in: Arkiv för studier i arbetarrörelsens historia nr 34-35 1986. 18 pp.
8. “Industrial Policies in Western Europe in an Era of Restructurin”‘ in: Staatliche Modernisierungspolitik gegenüber dem industriellen Wirtschaftssektor. Dossier für das Programm FAST II der EG-Kommission. EC, Brussels 1986. 12 pp.
7. “The Process of Contraction and Restructuring in West European Shipbuilding and Unemployment as an Individually or Collectively Experienced Threat” in VII Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation. Tomo 1. Santiago de Compostela 1985. 21 pp.
6. “Western European Shipbuilding Trade Unionism” in: Fred Walker and Anthony Slaven (eds), European Shipbuilding. One Hundred Years of Change. Proceedings of the Third Shipbuilding History Conference at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, 13-15 April 1983. Marine Publications International, London 1983. 8 p
5. “Workers’ Radicalism in Theory and Practice. A Study of the Shipyard Workers and Industrial Development in Gothenburg, Malmö and Bremen”‘ in Scandinavian Journal of History Vol. 8 1983. 31 pp.
4. “Folkbildning i Jönköpings län. Godtemplar- och arbetarrörelsens studieverksamhet i ett historiskt perspekti”‘ in: Bo Andersson et al, Centralt och lokalt – förr och nu. Folkbildning och samhälle. 3. Kungälv 1982. 14 pp.
3. “Trade Unions and Workers’ Radicalism” in Jan Kuuse and Anthony Slaven (eds), Development Problems in Historical Perspective. Scottish and Scandinavian Shipbuilding Seminar in Glasgow 21-23 September 1980. 27 pp.
2. “The Illusory Nordic Alternative to Europe” in Cooperation and Conflict XV 1980. 12 pp.
1.”Ett bruks uppgång, nedgång och fall. Några tankar kring Götaströms 200-åriga historia” i Mellan Härån och Rasjön. Hembygdsföreningarn i Bondstorp, Svenarum, Tofteryd och Åker. Årsbok 1978.