War and Peace in a Cosmopolitan Perspective
A workshop organised by Gopal Balakrishnan and Bo Stråth
With Daniel Archibugi and David Chandler
Tuesday 15 May 2001 15.00-19.00
Sala Triaria
This workshop will debate one of the most divisive issues in contemporary politics: the legitimacy of military intervention in the name of an international community whose future legal status and structures are still indeterminate. Professors Daniel Archibugi and David Chandler will address the implications of the contemporary post-Cold War global governance project on war and peace. The possibility of a comprehensive legalization of interstate relations was raised by Kant more than two centuries ago. How well does this philosophical tradition fare as both an empirical account and philosophical legitimation of the trends and possibilities of contemporary geopolitics? is the post-Cold War world moving towards the kind of cosmopolitan world order that Kant envisaged, or does the rhetoric of cosmopolitanism serve primarily as a cover for the power politics of a United States-headquartered New World order? This exchange will clarify the fundamental theoretical assumptions underlying the central contention surrounding the future of the sovereign state in the international arena.
Within the framework of the project The Modernity of Europe, A Comparative Historical and Political-Philosophical Assessment
Professors Bo Stråth and Peter Wagner
5-6 April 2001
Villa La Fonte, via delle Fontanelle 20, San Domenico di Fiesole
A constant of international relations in Europe, oscillating between peace and war, has been the tension between state sovereignty and the image of a universal order transcending state borders. The framework for this discourse was Christian initially; with the Enlightenment, it came to be based upon ideas of universal, „natural“ human rights. This tension can be perceived in European history from Augustine’s reflection on the just war 1600 years ago up to the most recent war in Kosovo. Under the preconditions of this tension, various outlines of bellum justum and eternal peace have been drafted. Utopian images of peace have succeeded utopian images of war. The conditions under which such images are constructed to mobilise populations have not been submitted to thorough investigation. Modernity, as a rule, connotes peaceful development. The connection between war and modernity has yet to be addressed.
This workshop investigates the interplay between images of modernity, peace and war from a long historical view.
Thursday, 5 April
15.00 Bo Stråth and Peter Wagner, Introduction
15.30 Reinhart Koselleck, The Utopias of Peace in Vienna 1815 and Versailles 1919
20.00 Dinner in Maiano
Friday 6 April
9.00 Pierre Hassner, Dialectics of War and Peace: Rousseau, Kant and Hegel
10.00 Karma Nabulsi, Utopias of War: Images of Republican War in Marseilles 1832, Besançon 1833 and Lyon 1834
11.15 Coffee break
11.45 Greg Reichberg, Just War or Perpetual Peace, A Comparison of Competing Ethical Traditions
13.00 Lunch
14.30 J. Peter Burgess, War in the Name of Europe: The Legitimacy of Collective Violence
16.00 Thomas Hippler, The Enlightenment Discourse on Perpetual Peace
20.00 Dinner in town