Bo Stråth


Bo Stråth (Curriculum Vitae) was 2007-2014 Finnish Academy Distinguished Professor in Nordic, European and World History and Director of Research at the Department of World Cultures / Centre of Nordic Studies (CENS), University of Helsinki. 1997-2007 he was Professor of Contemporary History at the European University Institute in Florence, and 1991-1996 Professor in History at the University of Gothenburg. He is a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Bo Stråth

Conferences, Curriculum vitae

War and Peace

These two workshops in 2001 discussed the tension between state sovereignty and the image of a universal order transcending state borders that has been a constant of international relations in Europe, oscillating between peace and war. They also reflected on the legitimacy of military interventions in the name of an international community whose future legal status and structures are still indeterminate.

Conferences, Curriculum vitae

Time and Temporality

Here are six conferences and workshops 1996-2001 on time in history writing. They investigate the connections between the past, the future, and the present, and between continuities and discontinuities in the exploration and explanation of history.

AFTER FULL EMPLOYMENT European Discources on Work and Flexibility
Anthologies, Publications

After Full Employment

European Discourses on Work and Flexibility Bo Stråth (ed.), After Full Employment. European Discourses on Work and Flexibility. PIE-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000 Abstract The framework of this book is the structural mass unemployment and social marginalisation that...

Research projects, Curriculum vitae

The Transformation of the Idea of a Full Employment to a Flexibility Discourse in European Comparison

This project studied the dissolution of the full employment convention in the 1990s. The approach was centred on the conceptual and interpretive adjustment of societies in Europe to the dramatic structural changes taking place in the labour market since the 1970s. Questions dealt with how the historical and cultural heritage of the full employment convention has played in different national settings. Additionally, the redefinition of the obligations of the state, employer organisations and trade unions were examined.

Seminars and Discussion Groups, Curriculum vitae

From the Werner Plan to the EMU

The seminar, centred on the debate of the time on the impact of the single currency in several fields of social policies, aimed to bring together experts from various fields. Professors Silvana Sciarra and Bo Stråth provided the theoretical framework in introductory seminars. They highlighted the historical background of the adoption of the single currency and the legal innovations linked to it.


  • Monographs
  • Anthologies
Creating Community and Ordering the World
A European Memory
A European Memory?
European Solidarities
European Solidarities
Reflections on Europe
Reflections on Europe
The Economy as a Polity
The Economy As a Polity
A European Social Citizenship
A European Social Citizenship?
Representations of Europe and the Nation in Current and Prospective Member States
States and Citizens History Theory Prospects
States and Citizens
The Meaning of Europe
The Meaning of Europe
Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other
Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other
Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community
Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community
AFTER FULL EMPLOYMENT European Discources on Work and Flexibility
After Full Employment
Enlightenment and Genocide Contradictions of Modernity
Enlightenment and Genocide, Contradictions of Modernity
Department of History and Civilization Nationalism and Modernity EUI Working Papers
Nationalism and Modernity
The Postmodern Challenge Perspectives East and West
The Postmodern Challenge
The Cultural Construction of Norden
The Cultural Construction of Norden
Comparativ Wohnungsbau im Internationalen Vergleich Heft 3-1996
Wohnungsbau im internationalen Vergleich
Language and the Construction of Class Identities
Language and the Construction of Class Identities
Idylle oder Aufbruch
Idylle oder Aufbruch?
Democratisation in Scandinavia in Comparison
