Bo Stråth


Bo Stråth (Curriculum Vitae) was 2007-2014 Finnish Academy Distinguished Professor in Nordic, European and World History and Director of Research at the Department of World Cultures / Centre of Nordic Studies (CENS), University of Helsinki. 1997-2007 he was Professor of Contemporary History at the European University Institute in Florence, and 1991-1996 Professor in History at the University of Gothenburg. He is a member of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.

Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other

by | Jun 20, 2000 | Anthologies, Publications

Europe and the Other and Europe as the Other

Bo Stråth (ed.), Europe and the Other, Europe as the Other. Multiple Europes No. 10. P.I.E.-Peter Lang, Brussels 2000 4th ed 2010


This book contributes to the debate on what Europe means by demonstrating the complexities and contradictions inherent in the concept. They are seen most clearly when Europe is viewed from a long historical perspective.

During the closing decades of the twentieth century, Europe emerged as one of the main points of reference in the global community’s cultural and political constructs. An obsession with the concept of European identity is readily discernible. This process of identity construction provokes critical questions that the book aims to address. At the same time, the book explores the opportunities offered by the concept of Europe to see how it may be used in the construction of the future. The approach is one of both deconstruction and reconstruction.



Introduction. Europe as a Discourse. Bo Stråth

Chapter 1. The Last Identification: Why Some of Us Would Like to Call Ourselves Europeans and What We Mean by This. Luisa Passerini

Chapter 2. The Discourse of Europe and the Search for a European Identity. Hayden White

Chapter 3. A European Identity? Lutz Niethammer

Chapter4. Foundation Myths and Collective Identities in Early Modern Europe. Peter Burke

Chapter 5. Decline or Renaissance: The Transformation of European Consciousness after the First World War. Katiana Orluc

Chapter 6. “The Third World” as an Element in the Collective Construction of a Post-Colonial European Identity. Erik Tängerstad

Chapter 7. Race as a Construction of the Other: “Native Americans” and “Negroes” in the 18th Century Editions of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Silvia Sebastiani.

Chapter 8. Doing Christianity and Europe: A Inquiry into Memory, Boundary and Truth Practices in Malta. Gerold Gerber

Chapter 9. In-between Nations: Ambivalence and the Making of a European Identity. Patrizia Isabelle Nanz

Chapter 10. Leningrad into St. Petersburg: The Dream of Europe on the Margins. Svetlana Boym

Chapter 11. The Social Construction of #Europe”: Life-Cycles of Nation-State Identities in France, Germany and Great Britain. Martin Marcussen and Klaus Roscher

Chapter 12. The Swedish Image of Europe as the Other. Bo Stråth

Chapter 13. Multiple Europes: Integration, Identity and Demarcation to the Other. Bo Stråth

Chapter 14. Coal, Stel and Spirit. The Double Reading of European Unity (1948-1951). J Peter Burgess


About the Contributors


  • Monographs
  • Anthologies
Creating Community and Ordering the World
A European Memory
A European Memory?
European Solidarities
European Solidarities
Reflections on Europe
Reflections on Europe
The Economy as a Polity
The Economy As a Polity
A European Social Citizenship
A European Social Citizenship?
Representations of Europe and the Nation in Current and Prospective Member States
States and Citizens History Theory Prospects
States and Citizens
The Meaning of Europe
The Meaning of Europe
From the Werner Plan to the EMU
From the Werner Plan to the EMU
Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community
Myth and Memory in the Construction of Community
AFTER FULL EMPLOYMENT European Discources on Work and Flexibility
After Full Employment
Enlightenment and Genocide Contradictions of Modernity
Enlightenment and Genocide, Contradictions of Modernity
Department of History and Civilization Nationalism and Modernity EUI Working Papers
Nationalism and Modernity
The Postmodern Challenge Perspectives East and West
The Postmodern Challenge
The Cultural Construction of Norden
The Cultural Construction of Norden
Comparativ Wohnungsbau im Internationalen Vergleich Heft 3-1996
Wohnungsbau im internationalen Vergleich
Language and the Construction of Class Identities
Language and the Construction of Class Identities
Idylle oder Aufbruch
Idylle oder Aufbruch?
Democratisation in Scandinavia in Comparison
