Research project organised by Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth in cooperation with the National Institute for Working Life/SALTSA
This project aimed to explore the preconditions of European social citizenship. The social dimension of citizenship is deeply entrenched in national histories. The social dimension is not least seen as a particular Social Democratic achievement, difficult to imagine in other categories than the nation. This seems to be the case even when nation-states are put under severe pressure exactly as national polities in the wake of the emergence of a new kind of capitalism with new forms of labour markets and of societies (“globalisation”) (Boltanski and Chiapello 1999). What does this point of departure mean for the EU as a polity? Reflecting on this question through a series of seminars/workshops resulted in the volume A European Social Citizenship? edited by the two directors.
Seminar and workshop programme
13 Nov 2002, 9.30, Convento
A social Europe from a historical perspective.
Hartmut Kaelble, Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth
5 Feb 2003, Villa la Fonte, 1st floor
11.00-13.00 Gender and a European Social Citizenship.
Ulrike Liebert, Bremen Universität
13.00-14.30 Buffet lunch (Villa la Fonte)
14.30-16.00 Hard Choices and Soft Options: The Gender Dynamics of a European Social Citizenship
Susan Mills, Marie Curie Fellow RSCAS (University of Kent at Canterbury)
16.00-16.15 Coffee Break
16.15-18.00 Social Dialogue and Labour Law
Ulrich Mückenberger, Hamburg University of Economics and Political Science
19 Mar 2003, 9.00-13.00, Convento
Embedding Social Europe in an Enlarged Union
Anton Hemerijck
Normative Aspects of European Citizenship
Feriel Kandil, EUI
2 Apr 2003, 11.00-13.00, Convento
The risk of social dumping in Europe
Robert Salais
1 Oct 2003, Convento
9.00-13.00 A European constitution and a European social citizenship
Christian Joerges
Membership and responsibility: on the political philosophy of the nation-based welfare state
Peter Wagner/Bénédicte Zimmermann
Lunch14.30-16.00 Social Dumping: A Social Construction? Martin Rhodes
29 Oct 2003, Convento
9.00-11.00 Trade unions as promoters of a European Social Citizenship? The case of the German DGB
Thomas Fetzer, EUI
11.00-11.15 Coffee Break
11.15-13.00 A Productive Social Citizenship? Social Policy and Growth in the Post War Period
Jenny Andersson, Uppsala University
17-18 November 2003, Editing workshop, La Cappella
17 November
9:00 Welcome, introduction
9:15 Hartmut Kaelble, The Transnational Side of the European Welfare State
10:15 Peter Wagner, On the political philosophy of the nation-based welfare state
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Thomas Fetzer, Trade unions as promoters of a European Social Citizenship?
12:15 Jenny Andersson, A Productive Social Citizenship?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Feriel Kandil, Normative Aspects of a European Social Citizenship
15:00 Christian Joerges, “Soziale Marktwirtschaft” as a Model for Social Europe?
16:00 Coffee break
16:15 Ulrich Mückenberger, Towards Procedural Regulation of Labour Law in Europe.The Case of the Social Dialogue
17:00 Ulrike Liebert, Gender and a European Social Citizenship
18 November
9:00 Susan Millns, Between Hard Choices and Soft Options. The Gender Dynamics of a European Social Citizenship
10:00 Robert Salais, From social citizenship to social capability in an enlarged economic Europe
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Martin Rhodes, Social Dumping: A Social Construction?
12:15 Mara Kolesas, Towards Eastward European Social Citizenship: Communist legacies and assessment of injuries
13:00 Lunch
14:30-16:00 Final discussion